
By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins

美国残疾人法案 (美国反兴奋剂法)最近成了大家谈论的话题,你知道吗, 为什么组织开始把《pg电子竞技》作为优先事项? Because the government has made it mandatory for every digital solution adhere to ADA guidelines in order to make the digital world accessible for everyone irrespective of their physical and cognitive abilities.

Have you ever checked the statistics of different surveys that say a profound number of digital users suffer from some or other sort of disability? Thus, it is even your moral responsibility to provide an accessible ecommerce website or online store to such users.

ADA is more crucial for ecommerce stores because now everyone is dependent on online stores for all smaller and bigger needs. But at times, it becomes problematic for people with disabilities to explore ecommerce sites and shop for their desired products due to site’s inaccessibility.

The inaccessible ecommerce stores also lose customers and their competitors with accessible websites get benefits by acquiring those users. 因此,电子商务商店必须遵循ADA标准.



As we know, the main idea behind ADA is to eliminate discrimination against people with disabilities. 《pg电子竞技》是根据1964年的《pg电子竞技》制定的,该法案倡导残疾人的权利. The ADA is a prominent reason why the internet is transforming into an accessible place for everyone.


它禁止所有公共实体,包括电子商务商店/网站, 消除对残疾人的歧视和偏见. It is the owners’ responsibility to accommodate every user coming to their ecommerce website by providing them with accessible solutions.

在多次诉讼之后, courts have found that online retailers and ecommerce websites must comply with the guidelines indicated in the ADA. 如果你的电子商务网站不符合ADA, 你将被追究责任, and a lawsuit may be filed as well against your organization for troubling people with disabilities.

为了避免这样的诉讼,你可以查看我们的文章 如何避免ADA诉讼!

除了法律依据之外, 当你建立一个符合ada标准的电子商务网站时, 你给予残障人士足够的关注和关怀, that they deserve.


当涉及到网页可访问性时,您必须遵守WCAG标准. 它指出了制定电子商务ADA合规性的目标. ADA是WCAG的一部分它有四个核心原则来创建一个可访问的电子商务.

  • Easy to perceive – 访问你的电子商务网站的用户, 应该能够感知文本, images, videos, 所有的信息都很容易获得. 必须为看不见或听不见的用户提供视频、音频和图像的替代方案.
  • Easy to operate – 如果用户正在搜索某些产品, they should be able to navigate your ecommerce store and access all the products they are looking for. 面包屑使网站的导航更容易.
  • 〇容易理解 网站的内容,包括文字,图片和视频必须是全面的每个人. 为了让它更清晰,添加说明、文本转语音等. are good options.
  • Robust – 每个访问你的电子商务商店的用户都应该得到类似的体验. For instance, 如果您添加了文本到语音的内容, 它必须传达同样的信息, 还有哪些用户没有使用辅助技术.


电子商务网站的重要功能必须是ADA访问. 为了确保它们的可访问性,您应该根据WCAG标准对它们进行测试.

1. Check-out process

这是任何电子商务网站最关键的部分之一. 如果结帐难以导航或理解, 用户很有可能放弃购物车. 为了节省转换,结帐过程必须进行优化. 因为如果残疾人无法移动,他们会感到沮丧, fill inputs, or use features, 最终他们将无法完成交易.

优化结帐流程, make it one-page, easy and simple, 避免询问不想要的信息, 提供填写表单字段的说明, 确保航行顺畅.


2. Payment Gateways

Every ecommerce website needs to have more than one payment gateways to offer multiple payment choices to customers. The integration of these payment gateways should get done in a way that every single user will be able to pay via their choice of methods without any problem.

所有支付网关必须遵守 支付卡行业标准 为了提供安全的交易. Also, 每种支付方式都必须针对多种货币进行优化, multiple languages, screen readers, 以及其他辅助技术. 应该有弹出窗口拦截器,这样用户就不会在支付过程中分心. 付款完成后,必须向用户显示成功的付款消息.

3. Search Bar

电子商务网站有望有快速搜索选项. 应该有可见的搜索栏,这可以很容易地访问. 当输入或说关键字时,搜索栏应该自动推荐产品. 它应该放在每个页面的顶部,并且必须易于导航.

4. Call-to-Action

如果呼叫操作按钮无法访问,请使用键盘, 然后一些用户可能无法浏览你的电子商务网站并完成他们的操作.

5. 以用户为中心的个性化体验

电子商务商店为顾客提供个性化的体验. 专注于为每一位客户提供相似的体验. Send push notifications and other personalised elements that can be comprehensive for users who use assistive technologies to peruse your ecommerce website.

6. 愿望清单和购物车

Product selection and adding them to Wishlist or shopping cart must be easier for users with disabilities as well. Likewise, other options, 愿望清单和购物车 are expected to be easily navigable using keyboard or assistive technologies.

7. 移动电子商务的可访问性

This is one of the important factors from ADA point of view as well since a profound number of mobile users are disable who use their mobile phones for shopping. Thus, 确保你的电子商务网站应用程序根据ADA的指导方针针对所有手机进行了优化.

8. 用户评论

电子商务所有者发布评论和评论,以获得其他用户的信任,从而提高转化率. These reviews must be accessible and understandable to users with any sort of disabilities as well.

9. Menus

网站的结构体现在导航菜单上. The keyboard and screen reader users are getting advantage from keyboard operability and markup to operate menus in multiple ways. While the users with motor difficulties who are using touch screen devices need larger targets to tap on or to click. Make sure that in fly-out menus and submenus must not disappear instantly after the mouse has left the clickable area. People with limited attention can benefit from distinct and clear menus with identifiable states like current page.

10. 多语种电子商务商店

如果您的商店有多语言版本, then it must be optimized and coded in way that assistive technologies like screen readers and braille devices can use it. 一旦被识别, 它可以自动切换语言, pitch the content, 调整一下重音. 大白鲨和窗户眼能说多种语言,发音正确.

11. Audio descriptions

电子商务商店通常会放视频,让他们的内容更令人印象深刻. 这些视频需要是可访问的,这样他们就会到达正确的观众. Thus, 让所有人都能访问这些视频, 电子商务商店可以提供带有视频的音频描述. 它基本上是对带有停顿和其他声音的视觉元素的详细描述.

12. Operations

电子商务运营包括运输、物流、SKU或仓库管理等. 一旦用户下了订单, 他们必须得到可读或可理解的确认消息或邮件,或两者兼而有之. Moreover, SKU管理应该是这样的,如果产品缺货, 为了避免混淆,应该清楚地提出来. And ensure that every user will be able to track order directly or using any assistive technology.

13. 多厂家的市场

Each vendor’s store must adhere to ADA-compliance in order to offer seamless experience to the users with disabilities.


14. Compatibility

对于一个成功的电子商务网站,它需要兼容每一个浏览器和设备. 因此,所有用户都可以从他们想要的浏览器访问和探索电子商务商店.


15. Color Schemes

确保电子商务网站的颜色对比度符合ADA / WCAG标准(4).5:1)考虑到低视力或色盲的用户. 如果颜色对比不合适,他们可能会遇到识别物体的问题. 所以,使用不会引起问题的颜色.

16. Form fields

Ecommerce forms need proper coding or else they will be a big hassle for users with disabilities. 一个可访问的表单需要准确的标签、错误消息和正确的说明.

17. Alt text

Ecommerce is incomplete without product images and the images without alternative text will not be comprehensive for everyone. 因此,所有的文字都是必不可少的,以恰当地描述每个图像. 依赖屏幕阅读器的用户需要所有文本来理解图像.


Though you are making ADA compliant ecommerce store for users with disabilities but improving UX and UI helps your website to grow the business as well. ADA accessible ecommerce websites will be used by more people no matter what their physical state is.

这不仅增加了你的转化率和利润,还减少了诉讼的机会. 一个兼容的电子商务网站有较少的废弃购物车问题, 更多回头客, 更快乐的老客户(保留), and elevated revenue. 简而言之,这对客户和你的组织都是一个双赢的交易.

“你不能开办一个电子商务网站,就指望人们蜂拥而至. 如果你真的想成功,你必须创造流量.” - Joel Anderson

作为…的准会员 国际无障碍专业人员协会,天网科技是全球无障碍社区的一部分. Our commitment to the IAAP guarantee people all over the world to understand and implement accessibility strategies.


天网科技提供全面 ADA网站无障碍服务 其中包括ADA网站审核, strategy, design, development, remediation, 以及《pg电子竞技》等无障碍法规的支持, WCAG 2.0, 2.1和508条款在你的预算范围内. Contact us at [email protected] 或填写下面的表格要求免费报价.