Ohio ADA website compliance and standards to improve digital accessibility!

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Ohio ADA Compliance


这是当务之急,以确保最大限度的数字访问行政工作和学术以及. So, 俄亥俄州的主要人口,包括所有公共和私营部门组织和教育机构的学生和雇员,都可以使用每一个网络产品. The guidelines apply to those who design, buy, and use their digital resources in Ohio.

Initially, the policy was known as the Interim Digital Accessibility Policy, which came into effect in August 2018. Before 2018, there were Minimum Web Accessibility Standards (MDAS) adopted in 2004. After many revisions, MDAS成为临时数字无障碍政策,现在它是数字无障碍政策.

Minimum web accessibility standards’ requirements


  • The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 level AA must be followed by all organizations in Ohio.
  • WAI-ARIA authoring practices 1.确保基于网络的内容符合辅助技术用户的预期行为.

Amendments and Clarifications

A few clarifications and amendments are applied to some of the WCAG standards.

  • Success Criterion 1.2.5 audio description (pre-recorded) is not needed for MDAS. However, Success Criterion 1.2.3需要申请,如果没有提供音频描述轨道,则需要预录制媒体的成绩单.
  • Success Criterion 1.4.11 non-text contrast applies to focus indicators and Success Criterion 2.4.7 helps users to rely on keyboard focus if the document overrides default browser styles.

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Revision history

Here are important revision dates in MDAS.

  • 2004 – Minimum Web Accessibility Standards created.
  • 2013 – MWAS updated with new standards and recommendations.
  • May 5, 2017年,最低网页可访问性标准更名为最低数字可访问性标准,并更新了WCAG 2.0 and WCAG2ICT standards to expand the scope of accessibility improvements.
  • 2018 – Minimum Digital Accessibility Standards became Interim Digital Accessibility Policy.
  • June 22, 2020 – WAI-ARIA authoring practices 1.1 was added to the standards.
  • September 1, 2021年,政府采用WCAG的最新版本,制定新的数字无障碍政策. Also, its clarifications and amendments section were added.

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Ohio website accessibility considerations

To meet web accessibility in Ohio, 所有数字信息和服务都必须设计为功能可访问性,而不仅仅是技术可访问性. To put it simple, 网页不仅要编码正确,而且要经过彻底的测试,这样用户才能有效地使用它们来执行给定的任务.

Functional accessibility can be achieved by keeping your website resources straightforward, unambiguous, and easy to use. For instance, 视障人士使用屏幕阅读器将文本和图像呈现为语音或盲文输出,从而可以浏览所有网页. Thus, 您需要创建这样的页面,其中包含适当的内容块和正确提到的链接, headings, accessible form elements, clearly written alt text, etc.

图像和链接的不恰当的语义和不恰当的文本描述使屏幕阅读器难以理解内容,也不能帮助用户获得正确的信息. At times, some dynamic content and plugins can also be inaccessible via screen readers. 俄亥俄州立大学建议网站测试各种屏幕阅读器,以避免可访问性问题.

Some of the important requirements for web accessibility are:

  • Text zoom-in and zoom-out are needed for users suffering from low vision.
  • Foreground text and background color contrast must be proper as suggested by WCAG.
  • 网站不应该使用颜色作为传播信息的唯一手段,这样那些对颜色有感知问题的用户在访问内容时就不会遇到问题.
  • Audio/video content needs captions or an alternative to auditory cueing.
  • Furthermore, limited motor acuity can affect user’s response time to navigate through or they might not navigate at all using a mouse or trackpad as a pointing device; thus, website speech recognition compatibility is needed.
  • 网站必须有这样一种方式的信息表示,即使有认知障碍的用户(语言, reading, or attention issues) can read and understand the content. Clarity in presentation, logical structure, correct grammar, and spelling, etc. can make a web page comprehensive for users with cognitive issues.
  • PDFs and other attached documents must also be accessible.
  • 如果用户特别要求在给定的时间内根据WCAG标准进行访问,则传统数字产品或服务必须提供可访问的解决方案.
  • 存档的数字信息或服务不需要转换为符合无障碍标准,除非符合条件的人或代表他们提出要求.
  • Hire ADA coordinators to review your website and help you with required improvements.

Exceptions from accessibility adherence to WCAG 2.1 standards

如果数字合规性在某些情况下是不可能的,或者需要采取巨大的措施来转换不可访问的信息, then organizations may request an exception for that part.


一旦ADA协调员收到请求,如果他们找到pg电子官网, web designs, 或者用户反馈显示了原始产品和可访问性指南之间的深刻差异, they start exceptions.

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Design, review, remediate, and offer accessible solutions!

It is a straightforward process of building an accessible web world. 在设计或修复网站或应用程序时,您只需要遵守定义的法律和指导方针. 彻底阅读WCAG标准或聘请有经验的网络开发公司来解决您网站的可访问性问题.


Is your website, web app, documents, or mobile app accessible to people with disabilities? 如果你的答案是否定的,并且你正在寻找将你的商业网站或应用程序转换为ADA或寻找一个新的可访问的网站或应用程序, our specialized and dedicated team provides complete ADA web accessibility services including audit, strategy, design, and development services that comply with accessibility regulations such as ADA, WCAG 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 and Section 508 within your budget. Reach us at [email protected] or submit the following request free quote form.